Document repositories

Naam: Alle Friezen



Web site:

Nota's: "AlleFriezen" is a website that presents data from Frisian municipal archives, the "Streekarchivariaat Noord-Oost Friesland" (the regional archives of north eastern Friesland), the "Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden" (Leeuwarden Historical Centre), and "Tresoar" (Frisian Historical Centre). Data about all Frisian people, born, married, or deceased in the province of Fryslân from the 19th century till the middle of the 1950’s. "AlleFriezen" primarily aims at showing information from public records of the Registry Offices (since 1811) en to enable the viewing of the original certificates, belonging to that information. "AlleFriezen" depends on the (financial) support of the Frisian municipalities. Eventually the information from Registry Offices will be supplemented with (further) information from the registers of births, deaths and marriages.